The Blue Star Tesla Energy Enhancer
The Blue Star Energy Enhancer is a multi-wave oscillator that broadcasts a spectrum (bandwidth) of electromagnetic frequencies resonant to the variety of cells in our bodies. The Enhancer puts the user's body in an electromagnetic egg, charging each cell up much like charging a battery. We deplete our electrical charge through common everyday choices like stress, cooked foods, junk foods or lack of exercise to name just a few.
1) The enhancer does not treat any disease or condition
2) the enhancer increases the base line voltage of each cell, providing an inhospitable environment for degenerative disease.
3) Higher voltage increase the efficiency of cellular respiration, which improves hydration and nutrient uptake at a cellular level as well as more effective removal of metabolic waste.
4) Users of the enhancer report improved mental clarity, quicker recovery from exercise and an overall sense of improved well being.
5) each enhancer comes with a Neon bulb. As part of the enhancer the neon bulb provides a specific frequency which seems beneficial to all things physical. I also am exploring the use of the other noble gasses, Argon, Krypton and Xenon. They each have a different frequency (color) when introduced to electrical current. Each one seems to have different effects.
One of the side effects of this device is that the electrical process produces low concentrations of ozone, which is therapeutic in a number of ways. Nature creates tremendous amounts of ozone each day. Ozone neutralize bacteria, viruses, mold, dust, chemical out-gassing, and some man-made pollution. The clean smell in the air after a thunderstorm is ozone. One of the benefits of ozone is that it oxygenates the blood, leading to an ideal alkaline pH.
I have begun to experiment with the other Noble Gasses and their effects in addition to neon.
If you would like to add new bulb to your enhancer or replace a broken one, here are the prices.
Neon $250.00
Argon $250.00
Krypton $ 300.00
Zenon $375.00
Because each Blue Star Tesla Enhancer is custom made there are no refunds or exchanges.
Blue Star Tesla Energy Enhancer
The field created by the Energy Enhancer is just the right size for an individual to use. As little as 20 minutes of daily use will make a big difference. There is no limit to the time you can spend on it. There have been reports of people spending up to 8 hours at a time using it, with no side effects. Blue Star Tesla Energy Enhancer Cost: $1400 US Shipping not included. For more info and to Purchase this item, please contact [email protected] Or call 321-473-4258 These devices are not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Please consult your doctor |
"One of the many amazing things I have experienced by using the enhancer is I have noticed moles fading, and skin tags falling off. I have also experienced a release of neck pain and tension so much so that I haven't had to go to my chiropractor in 6 months. My father had his Bursitis disappear within about a month of him using the enhancer, his balance and strength has improved so much that he no longer relies on a cane! Truly a life changing device. Overall I feel very energized whenever I use the enhancer! It literally wakes me up! Thank you Christopher."
Stephanie C., Alliston ON
Stephanie C., Alliston ON