Join me on X (Twitter): Christopher Tims
Join me on Bitchute: ChristopherTims (One Word)
Join me on Facebook: Christopher Tims (all other Facebooks of mine are being deleted)
Join me on Gab: Christopher Tims
Best email: [email protected]
LIVE IN Person Events for 2025
All * events are line in person and are held at:
1320 Palm Bay Rd NE, Palm Bay, FL 32905. Phone: (321) 729-9430 Click here for more info
For info on the Spiritfest Expos: Click here
Jan, 11-12 Spirit Fest Expo in Port St Lucy
Jan 18-19 Spirit Fest Expo in St Pete
*Jan 24-26 Sage Training 2025 Module #1 of 4
In the Blue Star Mystery School teachings The goal is to clear out old operating systems Including beliefs, concepts, priorities...(hardware & software) while Re-establishing the divine template/ Universal harmony which is already inherent within each of us. In SAGE Training, we make ourselves available to a stream of software updates, which open the doors of perception. The ongoing software updates enable us to decode the matrix more effectively and act on the clues and insights revealed. This 12 part intensive is broken down into 4 modules spaced out over 1 yr, reveals the most effective system I know in upgrading your tool box (software) seing with new eyes the limitless possibilities of our existence. Each Module is $300.00. To get more info or to reserve your space Email: [email protected]
*March 1-2 Relationships Beyond Compromise
• Personal • Professional • Spiritual • Romantic
What would our lives be like if we lived our relationships here in everyday life according to the Physics principles that govern all of creation from the very small subatomic to the Galactic & Universal?
Ideas which are discussed in this workshop:
From From Juicing, sprouting, supplements and smoothies, to exercise & lifestyle, This is a must do weekend to accelerate your spiritual journey. You will learn how to detox your body, mind and emotions as you awaken the great spirit within. This is living the spirit led life
The cost for this weekend is $300.00
My background in health, nutrition lifestyle and exercise comes for being a lifetime athlete, 40 yr vegetarian, natural body builder, martial artist, marathon runner & long distance cyclist. I am Hippocrates Health institute Health educator, an Ann Wigmore Living foods graduate and have a good grasp of macrobiotic, Ayurveda & food chemistry principals. We'll cover everything from Juicing and smoothies to supplements and exercise systems.
To get more info or to reserve your space Email: [email protected]
March 22-23 Spirit Fest Expo in WPB
March 29-30 Spiritfest Expo in Orlando
April 5-6 Spirit Expo Fest in Sarasota
*April 11-13 Sage Training 2025 Module #2 of 4
*May 2-4 Blue Star Mystery School Module#1 0f 4
The foundation of the modern mystery school is first about deprogramming you from the belief systems, concepts and structures that hold all of us in the grips of dualism, separation and the illusions that causes unnecessary suffering at all levels. This can be called your hardware. The false self or persona that has become in charge during many Piscean age incarnations. After we go through the necessary deep deprogramming and spiritual scrubbing then we realign ourselves to our true nature for the journey into the age of Aquarius and the higher realms. This is like installing upgraded hardware and operating systems. The Mystery School intensive is structured as 4 modules each one about 3 months apart to promote integration. Join me as we dive down the rabbit hole and never looked back. Each weekend intensive is $300 To get more info or to reserve your space Email: [email protected]
*May 17-18 Spirit Fest Expo in Melbourne
*May 23-25 The 3 Rings of Reality & the Great I am
The 3 rings of reality & the 7 rays of creation are ways of explaining the mechanics of how we exists in a holographic universe, an interactive simulation. I call it reflexive reality. Through being aware of the reflexive reality principle and how we continuously interact with the field (the great I AM or morphogenic field) we open ourselve to the limitless possibilities of our existence The cost for this mind bending, life changing weekend is $300. To reserve your spot for this weekend register with Zelle: 3215491166 or Paypal: [email protected]
*June13-15 SED Intensive Levels 1-3 +level 4
Sound Energy Dynamicssm (S.E.D.) Is the use of tuning forks over and around the body tuning the body much like a musical instrument. Level 1 clears the complete chakra system while restoring your Merkabah(spirit vehicle or charriot). Level 2 cleans and strengthens the connective pathways between all the energy centers, then we integrate left & right brain systems while fine tuning the efficiency of the whole merkabah. Level 3 works on the 5 layers of the energy systems connecting the fingers & toes to each other and corresponding chakras, then we work in the bands of the auric field clearing out echoes/ ghosts of old patterns. Level 4 uses a different set of forks (The harmonic spectrum) & works with our relationship to time. We learn how to look into probable futures and pasts while opening the temporal aperture the Christopher developed S.E.D in 1987 and has trained over 5,000 people in this life changing technique all over the world. The cost for this weekend is $300. Register with Zelle: 3215491166 or Paypal: [email protected]
To order your tuning forks and reserve you space Email: [email protected]
The tuning forks for SED levels1-3 are a 13 piece set and cost $330
The tuning forks for SED Level 4 are an 8 piece set and cost $250
Each set comes with a stand and rubber puck for striking the fork
*June 27-29 Frozen Music, Quartz Crystals & Sacred Geometry As The Language of God
*July 18-20 Sage Training 2025 Module #3 of 4
August 9-10 Spirit Fest Expo in Punta Gorda
*Aug 22-24 The 7 rays of the Holographic Universe
Sept 12-14 Sound Keepers Conference 2025
*Sept 26-28 Blue Star Mystery School Module#2 of 4
*October 10-12 Sage training 2025 module #4 of 4
*November 7-9 Blue Star Ministerial Program
Dec 6-7 Spirit Fest Expo in Orlando
*Dec 12-14 Blue Star Mystery School Module #3 of 4
All * events are line in person and are held at:
1320 Palm Bay Rd NE, Palm Bay, FL 32905. Phone: (321) 729-9430 Click here for more info
For info on the Spiritfest Expos: Click here
Jan, 11-12 Spirit Fest Expo in Port St Lucy
Jan 18-19 Spirit Fest Expo in St Pete
*Jan 24-26 Sage Training 2025 Module #1 of 4
In the Blue Star Mystery School teachings The goal is to clear out old operating systems Including beliefs, concepts, priorities...(hardware & software) while Re-establishing the divine template/ Universal harmony which is already inherent within each of us. In SAGE Training, we make ourselves available to a stream of software updates, which open the doors of perception. The ongoing software updates enable us to decode the matrix more effectively and act on the clues and insights revealed. This 12 part intensive is broken down into 4 modules spaced out over 1 yr, reveals the most effective system I know in upgrading your tool box (software) seing with new eyes the limitless possibilities of our existence. Each Module is $300.00. To get more info or to reserve your space Email: [email protected]
*March 1-2 Relationships Beyond Compromise
• Personal • Professional • Spiritual • Romantic
What would our lives be like if we lived our relationships here in everyday life according to the Physics principles that govern all of creation from the very small subatomic to the Galactic & Universal?
Ideas which are discussed in this workshop:
- The Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine defined and how we can honour them in order to create lasting and dynamic passion and fulfillment
- The three dysfunctional, yet widely agreed upon, foundations of relationships
- The paradox of real love
- There are three kinds of people in relationships—which one are you?
- What is “the splash” and why it is essential in the maintenance of successful relationships?
- Communion and communication beyond words
- What is compromise? Is it a good thing?
From From Juicing, sprouting, supplements and smoothies, to exercise & lifestyle, This is a must do weekend to accelerate your spiritual journey. You will learn how to detox your body, mind and emotions as you awaken the great spirit within. This is living the spirit led life
The cost for this weekend is $300.00
My background in health, nutrition lifestyle and exercise comes for being a lifetime athlete, 40 yr vegetarian, natural body builder, martial artist, marathon runner & long distance cyclist. I am Hippocrates Health institute Health educator, an Ann Wigmore Living foods graduate and have a good grasp of macrobiotic, Ayurveda & food chemistry principals. We'll cover everything from Juicing and smoothies to supplements and exercise systems.
To get more info or to reserve your space Email: [email protected]
March 22-23 Spirit Fest Expo in WPB
March 29-30 Spiritfest Expo in Orlando
April 5-6 Spirit Expo Fest in Sarasota
*April 11-13 Sage Training 2025 Module #2 of 4
*May 2-4 Blue Star Mystery School Module#1 0f 4
The foundation of the modern mystery school is first about deprogramming you from the belief systems, concepts and structures that hold all of us in the grips of dualism, separation and the illusions that causes unnecessary suffering at all levels. This can be called your hardware. The false self or persona that has become in charge during many Piscean age incarnations. After we go through the necessary deep deprogramming and spiritual scrubbing then we realign ourselves to our true nature for the journey into the age of Aquarius and the higher realms. This is like installing upgraded hardware and operating systems. The Mystery School intensive is structured as 4 modules each one about 3 months apart to promote integration. Join me as we dive down the rabbit hole and never looked back. Each weekend intensive is $300 To get more info or to reserve your space Email: [email protected]
*May 17-18 Spirit Fest Expo in Melbourne
*May 23-25 The 3 Rings of Reality & the Great I am
The 3 rings of reality & the 7 rays of creation are ways of explaining the mechanics of how we exists in a holographic universe, an interactive simulation. I call it reflexive reality. Through being aware of the reflexive reality principle and how we continuously interact with the field (the great I AM or morphogenic field) we open ourselve to the limitless possibilities of our existence The cost for this mind bending, life changing weekend is $300. To reserve your spot for this weekend register with Zelle: 3215491166 or Paypal: [email protected]
*June13-15 SED Intensive Levels 1-3 +level 4
Sound Energy Dynamicssm (S.E.D.) Is the use of tuning forks over and around the body tuning the body much like a musical instrument. Level 1 clears the complete chakra system while restoring your Merkabah(spirit vehicle or charriot). Level 2 cleans and strengthens the connective pathways between all the energy centers, then we integrate left & right brain systems while fine tuning the efficiency of the whole merkabah. Level 3 works on the 5 layers of the energy systems connecting the fingers & toes to each other and corresponding chakras, then we work in the bands of the auric field clearing out echoes/ ghosts of old patterns. Level 4 uses a different set of forks (The harmonic spectrum) & works with our relationship to time. We learn how to look into probable futures and pasts while opening the temporal aperture the Christopher developed S.E.D in 1987 and has trained over 5,000 people in this life changing technique all over the world. The cost for this weekend is $300. Register with Zelle: 3215491166 or Paypal: [email protected]
To order your tuning forks and reserve you space Email: [email protected]
The tuning forks for SED levels1-3 are a 13 piece set and cost $330
The tuning forks for SED Level 4 are an 8 piece set and cost $250
Each set comes with a stand and rubber puck for striking the fork
*June 27-29 Frozen Music, Quartz Crystals & Sacred Geometry As The Language of God
*July 18-20 Sage Training 2025 Module #3 of 4
August 9-10 Spirit Fest Expo in Punta Gorda
*Aug 22-24 The 7 rays of the Holographic Universe
Sept 12-14 Sound Keepers Conference 2025
*Sept 26-28 Blue Star Mystery School Module#2 of 4
*October 10-12 Sage training 2025 module #4 of 4
*November 7-9 Blue Star Ministerial Program
Dec 6-7 Spirit Fest Expo in Orlando
*Dec 12-14 Blue Star Mystery School Module #3 of 4