Sound Energy Dynamics (SED) Q&A with Christopher Tims
By Tony Cecala, Holistic Networker
How did you discover SED?
I have played music all of my life, violin since the age of 6 and drums since the age of 10. As I studied mystical traditions from around the world, a common thread that combined them all is music.
Each tradition offered a piece to a puzzle that came together clearly. I traveled with His Holiness, the Dalai Lama in the late '80s. In this experience I not only learned how to perform the Tibetan style of chanting which I know as the Zikar, I also learned how the Tibetans used bells and bowls as well as chanting to shift energy.
I worked for several years to discover the physics principles behind these practices and as I experimented with a variety of sound production devices, the tuning forks made of surgical grade stainless steel from Sheffield, England, were the only devices I found suitable for this work.
Through my experience, and my ability to see and hear the chakras, I found which frequencies were most effective in sympathetically stimulating and breaking up stuck energy in corresponding cross sections of the body. This stimulation is called resonance.
The cleaning of this debris in the non-process oriented procedure is what the ancients would call alchemy (transformation without process).
What exactly happens during an SED treatment?
In a SED session, there is no diagnosis, no prognosis, and therefore there can be no prescription. There is a singular recipe applied to all clients. All we are doing is washing windows. The tuning forks clear, balance and harmonize the energy centers. Most clients fall asleep and enjoy a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating sabbatical from their normal routine. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual shifts can and do very commonly occur.
What scientific/mystical traditions have you read/studied that have influenced your work?
The things that have had the most influence on me have been my studies and background in Chiropractic at Palmer, along with a variety of yoga and martial arts traditions that I have been studying since the age of 13. My experience in Tibetan Buddhism (specifically Dzogchen) and Zen (the teachings of OSHO) have also been a great influence. In developing the tuning fork work, I have also studied general physics, the material of John Keely, Stephen Hawkins, and Einstein's theories of special and general relativities in addition to quantum mechanics.
How has your work evolved over the years? Do you have an idea of where it is going?
Sound Energy Dynamics is the ongoing exploration of sound and vibration on the body. In the beginning, there was only theist layer of the work which washed all the windows of all the lower bodies, establishing balance and well-being.
Subsequently, I developed the 2nd layer of the work which provided greater integration. Several years later came the 3rd layer of the work which stimulates the 5 layers of meridians (or webs) that exist within the lower bodies. This work also stimulates and awakens the outer meridians (or webs). These are outside the body and extend 6-8 feet. This layer awakens what I call the Cosmic Body.
Recently, there has been a lot of interest surrounding the rediscovery of the Solfeggio scale which is based on the ancient Gregorian chants. This work seems to be a tall-back technique meaning, that it would be a way of helping a client repent (to turn around), turning away from their past to face the present moment. This frequency passed around the body seems to be able to wash away a film which tethers some people to a specific time period of past lives. I have little interest in using these frequencies, for the SED layers 1-3 thoroughly clean the windows of the memory body (which is the akashic records) bringing the client to the present moment.
The 4th layer of the work uses the Pythagorean tuning forks. This level of the work enables the client to flex their placement in time, otherwise known as time travel. The 5th layer of the work uses tuning forks designed by the French mathematician Cousteau and are tuned to the exact frequencies of the planets of our solar system, our sun and moon. These further strengthen and awaken the major physical meridians in the body as each major meridian is associated with a planet in Chinese medicine. The final 6th layer of Sound Energy Dynamics is being developed and is based on "The Scale of Time" by James Paul Furia which brings together geometry, astronomy and sacred sites to music theory in a beautiful organic synthesis. The specific application of these tones to a person who has experienced layers 1-5 can easily propel them into a state of realization through resonance to the planetary radiations that are being configured to the Aquarian transformation. Our planet will experience this degree of realization by the year 2012.
Describe the certification program of SED.
A Certified Practitioner of SED has attained a specific level of mastery over this work. I personally test them as to their proficiency. To be able to test, a student/practitioner of SED has to have completed the courses 1, 2 and 3. In addition, they must complete a minimum of 60 tunings before they can test. I test all students as to their knowledge and mastery over the technique and the material of the course.
Any interesting stories, phenomena, synchronicities that you'd like to share?
There are countless stories of "miracles" that land many practitioners have experienced across the country. Most recently I had a woman who slipped on a board and felt on her left shoulder, and the board landed on her right shoulder. She was in great pain for several months before she came to me, however she refused to let the doctors operate. When I met her, she was unable to raise either arm above her waist. As I applied the third layer of the work (which reconnects the fingers and toes through their energetic components) I could see the damage releasing itself. Upon completion I gently massaged her spine and she began to feel tingles. I asked her to clench her hands tightly, she replied that she couldn't, but I insisted and she was able to do it. I then asked her to raise her arms above her head, she again said she couldn't and I insisted she try. Slowly and without pain, she was able to raise both her arms above her head. As the minutes progressed she was dancing around the room waving her hands around above her head. Her husband was as excited as she was as he witnessed the whole treatment and her new-found liberation. He knew she was going to make a complete recovery.
These types of things happen very frequently and are not miracles, they are just a result of applied fundamental and universal principles in a simple yet direct manner.
How did you discover SED?
I have played music all of my life, violin since the age of 6 and drums since the age of 10. As I studied mystical traditions from around the world, a common thread that combined them all is music.
Each tradition offered a piece to a puzzle that came together clearly. I traveled with His Holiness, the Dalai Lama in the late '80s. In this experience I not only learned how to perform the Tibetan style of chanting which I know as the Zikar, I also learned how the Tibetans used bells and bowls as well as chanting to shift energy.
I worked for several years to discover the physics principles behind these practices and as I experimented with a variety of sound production devices, the tuning forks made of surgical grade stainless steel from Sheffield, England, were the only devices I found suitable for this work.
Through my experience, and my ability to see and hear the chakras, I found which frequencies were most effective in sympathetically stimulating and breaking up stuck energy in corresponding cross sections of the body. This stimulation is called resonance.
The cleaning of this debris in the non-process oriented procedure is what the ancients would call alchemy (transformation without process).
What exactly happens during an SED treatment?
In a SED session, there is no diagnosis, no prognosis, and therefore there can be no prescription. There is a singular recipe applied to all clients. All we are doing is washing windows. The tuning forks clear, balance and harmonize the energy centers. Most clients fall asleep and enjoy a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating sabbatical from their normal routine. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual shifts can and do very commonly occur.
What scientific/mystical traditions have you read/studied that have influenced your work?
The things that have had the most influence on me have been my studies and background in Chiropractic at Palmer, along with a variety of yoga and martial arts traditions that I have been studying since the age of 13. My experience in Tibetan Buddhism (specifically Dzogchen) and Zen (the teachings of OSHO) have also been a great influence. In developing the tuning fork work, I have also studied general physics, the material of John Keely, Stephen Hawkins, and Einstein's theories of special and general relativities in addition to quantum mechanics.
How has your work evolved over the years? Do you have an idea of where it is going?
Sound Energy Dynamics is the ongoing exploration of sound and vibration on the body. In the beginning, there was only theist layer of the work which washed all the windows of all the lower bodies, establishing balance and well-being.
Subsequently, I developed the 2nd layer of the work which provided greater integration. Several years later came the 3rd layer of the work which stimulates the 5 layers of meridians (or webs) that exist within the lower bodies. This work also stimulates and awakens the outer meridians (or webs). These are outside the body and extend 6-8 feet. This layer awakens what I call the Cosmic Body.
Recently, there has been a lot of interest surrounding the rediscovery of the Solfeggio scale which is based on the ancient Gregorian chants. This work seems to be a tall-back technique meaning, that it would be a way of helping a client repent (to turn around), turning away from their past to face the present moment. This frequency passed around the body seems to be able to wash away a film which tethers some people to a specific time period of past lives. I have little interest in using these frequencies, for the SED layers 1-3 thoroughly clean the windows of the memory body (which is the akashic records) bringing the client to the present moment.
The 4th layer of the work uses the Pythagorean tuning forks. This level of the work enables the client to flex their placement in time, otherwise known as time travel. The 5th layer of the work uses tuning forks designed by the French mathematician Cousteau and are tuned to the exact frequencies of the planets of our solar system, our sun and moon. These further strengthen and awaken the major physical meridians in the body as each major meridian is associated with a planet in Chinese medicine. The final 6th layer of Sound Energy Dynamics is being developed and is based on "The Scale of Time" by James Paul Furia which brings together geometry, astronomy and sacred sites to music theory in a beautiful organic synthesis. The specific application of these tones to a person who has experienced layers 1-5 can easily propel them into a state of realization through resonance to the planetary radiations that are being configured to the Aquarian transformation. Our planet will experience this degree of realization by the year 2012.
Describe the certification program of SED.
A Certified Practitioner of SED has attained a specific level of mastery over this work. I personally test them as to their proficiency. To be able to test, a student/practitioner of SED has to have completed the courses 1, 2 and 3. In addition, they must complete a minimum of 60 tunings before they can test. I test all students as to their knowledge and mastery over the technique and the material of the course.
Any interesting stories, phenomena, synchronicities that you'd like to share?
There are countless stories of "miracles" that land many practitioners have experienced across the country. Most recently I had a woman who slipped on a board and felt on her left shoulder, and the board landed on her right shoulder. She was in great pain for several months before she came to me, however she refused to let the doctors operate. When I met her, she was unable to raise either arm above her waist. As I applied the third layer of the work (which reconnects the fingers and toes through their energetic components) I could see the damage releasing itself. Upon completion I gently massaged her spine and she began to feel tingles. I asked her to clench her hands tightly, she replied that she couldn't, but I insisted and she was able to do it. I then asked her to raise her arms above her head, she again said she couldn't and I insisted she try. Slowly and without pain, she was able to raise both her arms above her head. As the minutes progressed she was dancing around the room waving her hands around above her head. Her husband was as excited as she was as he witnessed the whole treatment and her new-found liberation. He knew she was going to make a complete recovery.
These types of things happen very frequently and are not miracles, they are just a result of applied fundamental and universal principles in a simple yet direct manner.